Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Salmon, Tomato & Zuke Lunch!!

We hit the Jack-pot this week as several clients brought us tomatoes, Zukes, Salmon and Cod! We hardly need to shop and this generosity will help to illustrate how easy it is to cook quick, healthy meals.

Here's how this one went:
Seared ~1lb fresh caught salmon in a pan with olive oil. Cook on each side 4-5 min. While the salmon is cooking dice 4-5 medium vine ripened Zucchini and peel 4-5 cloves of garlic. Once the salmon is cooked remove from pan and add cubed zukes to the salmon infused oil. Cook covered for 5 min then un cover, stir and add garlic via garlic press. While the zukes brown slice 6-8 vine ripened tomatoes and place on a plate with the salmon. Once the Zukes are finished add to plate and serve. Total time~ 15 min and you will get several meals from this effort. If you notice from the photo the plate is ~1/3 salmon, zukes and tomatoes respectively. How many vegetarians do you know that had that many VEGETABLES in a day let alone a single meal? There is no healthier way to eat folks!

Dress the whole affair with black pepper, olive oil and balsamic vinegar and you are set. Feed yourself and your family well! There are NO DAMN EXCUSSES!


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